
Open Source Fitness

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Open Source Fitness


What people saying about Open Source Fitness

“I’ve read the whole document and it’s really great stuff, Austin.  Thanks for sharing your robust knowledge in such an accessible kind of way.” - Preston Pysh

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To get everything you need to make your life changing transformation.

"Nothing short of astonishing"

"Best I've felt in 8 years"

"It's crazy after just 2 months"

(before open sourcing it)

Open Sourced on March 23, 2023.

"Pure Signal" - Bitcoiner

How I Hacked the Game called Fitness:

Look I get it, no one gives a shit about fitness until... they see how easy it really is..

The Fitness industry is bamboozling you.

I bet there’s a massive gap between what I do vs what you think I do..

Starts with, Why don’t you get results?

You quit.

How do you not quit?

Make it so easy, it’s hard to quit (becomes addicting) That’s what I did. And that’s what I’m going to share with you (4 specific goals):

4 Rule Framework:

- 10k steps - daily (phones track it)

- 1-ingredient foods (yes, you can eat carbs)

- Workout 3x a week (yes, it can be in your living room)

- 8-hour eating window (intermittent fasting is the secret to life)

Anyone can do this..

This framework drives 80% of my results. (It took my 6 years to figure that out)

Get Started:

The hardest part is gaining momentum. Write those 4 goals down from above, and make sure it's somewhere you see them everyday.


You're not a robot. It takes time to make changes. You will fuck up and that's OKAY (After about ~3 weeks it will feel effortless)

Making Progress:

You won't hit all of the goals right away. The ones you did hit should feel easier next week. The ones you missed, now get more attention… focus on those.

It’s not all or nothing:

Build, grind, accept you aren’t perfect. Get small, controllable wins.

Fitness is about who can do it the longest, not who does the most.

Repeat this process for 3 months and you will be unrecognizable.

I give you my exact routine and diet in the open source protocol, I lay out more framework details so you can make your own Sticking to a plan works a lot better if it’s your plan

Hi I'm Austin 👋🏼

Growing up, I would've been the last person you'd expect to have a fitness program.

Now, friends and family come to me first for advice.

✍️ Notes from Meme:

1 : Notice I'm in better shape at 28 yrs than 21

2: I can enjoy beer & life

3: 2022 I tried no carbs, got too lean, now back to carbs

"Okay so you weren't a born natural and other programs didn't work, so how'd you do it?"

It was only in hindsight I realized what made the difference.

I tried so many different approaches that I figured out what was a lie and what was necessary.

I stripped out all the wasted effort and kept what got me the results.

I made those my daily routine.

That's what "The Alpha ₿lueprint" is.

A guide to get you your desired results.

I know how hard it can be to get pulled in every direction from different 'experts'.

But I think it comes down to one principle:

consistency over intensity.

You don’t have to change your whole life to get peak health.

I would argue the exact opposite.

You can pay someone a ton of money for all these over-optimized fancy strategies but..

It always comes down to consistency of simple habits over an unusually long time

"So now I know what will get me result—this guide, how to I avoid the burnout?"

It comes down to motivation, purpose, your "why".

It wasn't until a few years after I saw results, I realized I didn't keep up my daily habits for appearance.

It was my productivity level.

It was how good I felt when I was focused on my health.

When you sustain healthy habits, you feel the difference, then you start to notice how crappy you feel when you fall back to old habits.

I realized how easy it was to drink a few beers and order that pizza when I started to slack off.

(I still enjoy these things today. I have a detailed strategy in the blueprint. Remember point of this is to have a balanced lifestyle, going out with friends on the weekend and enjoying yourself is apart of life you don’t have to sacrifice for health.)

It would start a negative cycle that leaks into all aspects of life. (Secret on how to fix this Is in blueprint )

I noticed when I was consuming healthy food, planning out time for the gym, focused on my goals, that's when I started to add more things into my doubting. Not less.

I would read at night, listening to podcasts while going on walks, meditate.

It was less about what I was 'seeing" and more about how I was 'feeling'

Unfortunately 91% of the people get stuck where I was in 2015 (meme)

Get some result and sometimes feeling motivated.

Stuck in cycles.

Have burst of intensity, but fizzle out.

This blueprint is designed so you can set up your own routine that works for you. My routine my not work for you and that’s okay.

You won’t get the transformation you are looking if you try to follow my exact routine IF you can’t maintain it..

Yes, you would see results after a few weeks but you’d fall back into old habits.

In the blueprint I walk you through my progress how I built my routine over 7 years. I didn’t start here. I had to start where I could maintain then stack habits as I progressed.

The Alpha lueprint

A blueprint is a guide for making something — it's a design or pattern that can be followed.

I give you my blueprint that got me my results. You can chose to follow it or make your own using the key principles that drove those results.

Remember consistency over intensity.

The person who goes to the gym 3 times a week for 3 years will get further that the guy who does 'workout" insane programs for months leading up to summer , stops for 4 months then gets another burst of motivation after the new year for the same 3 years.

Humans are actually lazy. Efficient creatures by nature.

I'm no different.

I had to make things as easy as possible to get my results.

If there is friction, it won't last.

Stop wasting time, money, and effort with the old systems.


🔶 Module 1..Education

First Principles 

  • Habits
    • Building self-control
    • How to develop a habit 
    • Why most people fail
    • Extra resource to ensure the development of your discipline  
    • Habit Hacks

Unlocking Your Body's Full Potential 

  • How to tap into your body's full potential 
    • Waking up your body's ancestral systems
    • Your body will start producing these again..
    • Techniques and Protocols
    • Research backing this claim — proof from me using this strategy as well

Nutritional Education

  • You just learned the knowledge & motivation, now it’s time to learn action!
    • “Healthy” food usually isn’t. Here's the truth. 
    • What to eat ?
    • What to avoid ?
    • Gut Health.. no one talks about this..
    • Free app that makes this process easy to maintain.

🔶 Module 2... Protocols

My Personal Nutrition Protocol -- What I do

  • Don’t count calories, here’s what matters
  • My exact diet. What are my protocols?
  • Give you the tools to personalize your protocol to fit your needs. Everyone's protocol will be different, but they stem from the same principles

Nutrition Budget

  • My exact Grocery bill for the month
  • Be in the top 1% with a diet that cost under $150 a week -- ALL IN
  • Items broken-down with links to sources
  • This isn’t special to my location. These options are available nationwide

My Workout Protocol 

#1 exercise to start today

  • No weights required
  • Separates the average from the elite. 

Make it your own Protocol

  • Everybody anatomy is different, therefore different exercises will feel better.
  • It’s a myth you need to switch workouts to stimulate growth (probably to sell you 3 different workout plans; I sell one blueprint)

My Routine Protocol

  • What does my day look like?

🔶 Module 3..Satoshi's Sprint

  • 21 day Challenge
    • After you get settled in to your personalized protocol, challenge yourself to execute it 21 days straight.

Here are some of the myths they tell you:

❌ Do these specific exercises to gain muscle!

  • (doing flat bench press vs dumbbell bench press isn't what makes or breaks your results)

Must eat right BEFORE and AFTER your workout or gains are lost !

  • (will make you think you need a tub of protein with you at the gym or you won't gain muscle... been there)

5 Meals every 2-3 hours a part to build muscle !

  • (have to stay 'anabolic'-- some of those worst advice out there. Details on why in blueprint.)

Have to switch your workout routine or you'll stop progressing

  • (drop sets, super set, yady yada.. I doubt you will put those in your blueprint)

❌. Have to max-out on compound exercises like squatting 500 lbs to gain size !

  • (I severely damaged my back when I was 23 doing this nonsense. Haven't barbell squatted in years)

Carbs are bad, no fats are bad... they can't make up their mind..

  • (Far right end says meat only. Other end says vegan. I say find your blueprint)

Need to do High Intensity Interval Training to lose body fat

Why 'I' Can't?

Okay this sounds great, but you're still thinking this won't work for me....


✅ I don’t have time to go to the gym

✅ I don’t know how to cook

✅ I can’t afford to eat healthy

✅ I don't like the taste of 'healthy' food

I cover each of these myths in the program, but I want to quickly touch on the most common one; healthy eating isn't appetizing...

The Fitness Industry confuses 'low calorie' with healthy.

There's a significant difference.

External Myths

✅ “I don’t know how to workout”

✅ “I don’t have time to workout”

✅ “I hate running/weights/whatever”

Again, these are debunked in the Blueprint.

I will leave you with,

You'll never have to go for a run or do 'HITT' training to get results.

Cardio is another great way to hate training and make yourself burn out.


Who’s this program for?

Both avid gym goers or first timers. These are principles, techniques, strategies work for all levels.

This sounds like a beginners course, what if I've been working out for a few years but want more results?

Yes, this is for you. I will always use these principles no matter how advanced my training gets. Matter of fact without these principles my progress had hit a sticking point. That's how I learned the "Unlocking you body's full potential" Chapter.

Who is this course NOT for?

Someone looking for exact exercise pdf with sets and reps with rpm’s and over complicated workout routines that don't get you results. 'Shredding program' 'Bulk Program" etc... this is the classic a workout pdf program below.

There's thousands of these. I used a different approach. Blueprint.

Example of every other workout program out there.. If I did front squat instead of back squat on day 1 would that change how I look?

How long will I find this program useful? 

Built on first principles; use should always be able to fall back on this blueprint no matter how much time has past. 

Does the blueprint work for women? 

Yes, the blueprint is about overall health that leads to increase in muscle mass and a decrease in body fat all while regulating hormones. Follow these protocol rules and will see results regardless of gender. 

Why this program?

This program will education you while also giving you a detail daily routine from someone who has achieved the desired goal of overall health and maintained that health over years.

DM me on Twitter @_Austinherbert if you have specific questions.

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Blueprint (PDF full guide)
Transformation (Proof of protocol)
OSF Cookbook
Fasting Guide
Coming soon ↓
Workout Guide
In Progress
5.56 MB
129 pages
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